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Reminder of changes to the eCMID system from 1 January 2018

Published 6 November 2017

Report format

From 1 January 2018, IMCA will only recognise formal inspection reports conducted using its eCMID database, meaning that reports not uploaded into the database will no longer be considered by IMCA to be authorised vessel inspection reports. The whole eCMID system is now based on the principles described in the ISO 19011 – Guidance for auditing management systems – standard and is aligned with other comparable industry guidance on safety management system assurance.

Accredited Vessel Inspector requirement

From the same date, only Accredited Vessel Inspectors (AVIs) will be able to use the inspector functionality in the IMCA eCMID database to conduct authorised Common Marine Inspection Document (IMCA M 149) and Marine Inspection for Small Workboats (IMCA M 189) inspections.

Any vessel inspector who is registered on the database but has not achieved AVI status will have their database registration deactivated until such time they achieve their accreditation. It should be noted that this will not remove any vessel inspections they have previously carried out.

IMCA encourages vessel inspectors to apply for their accreditation at ecmidvesselinspectors.com/ecmid-accreditation-scheme.

Please note, that for inspectors who have achieved accreditation, their eCMID database account will be automatically recognised as an AVI account after 1 January 2018.