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New eCMID inspection app enters public testing

Published 4 May 2020

A new eCMID inspection app is now available for testing, with an invitation issued to all registered accredited vessel inspectors (AVIs).

Built as a progressive web app (PWA), this will make the system truly cross-platform as it uses a web browser to run. This means that inspection reports will be able to be completed on Android/iOS smartphones and tablets, as well as Mac devices, for the first time, while improving the experience for Windows users.

This is the latest and most significant development to the system funded by the report upload fees introduced in 2018 – intended to enable such improvement, maintenance and support of the eCMID system on an ongoing basis. There is no additional cost for using the app, nor for downloading inspection reports.

Any inspector not in receipt of the invitation but interested in testing the new app should contact the eCMID helpdesk.