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System Updates – 21 May 2021

Published 17 May 2021

A significant set of updates to the eCMID platform was introduced in May 2021, covering the system infrastructure, improvements to the database website and updated inspection templates. A summary of the upgrades is set out below.

Server migration

The eCMID database infrastructure has been migrated to a new hosting platform, which will improve system performance and improve resilience and availability, with additional support.

User interface

In line with new IMCA branding introduced with our main website in 2020 and the eCMID information site earlier this year, the database site design has been refreshed.

At the same time, the vessel management and report access pages have been overhauled, to provide more information in a simpler format. Updated user guides are be available on the information website, and are linked directly from the upgraded database pages.

Inspection templates

Due to a fault in the publishing system, only the eMISW was able to be updated during the 21 May maintenance window. The new eCMID template will be published in the coming days.

New editions of the eCMID (issue 12) and eMISW (issue 5) templates are being published, introducing new supplements and with other changes based on user feedback. The full changes are set out in a separate post on this site.

Domain changes

Website and email addresses have been consolidated around a simplified domain – ecmid.com (with the exception of the separate AVI website operated by the Marine Surveying Academy). Users should ensure that the new email addresses are added to safe sender lists to avoid being filtered by their email systems.

In due course, inspectors will need to re-install the eCMID Inspection App using the new address, but should make sure that any reports in the existing version have been completed, uploaded and preferably saved to file/cloud, before removing the old version (which will continue to function for a transition period).

The new addresses will be as follows:

Information websitehttps://www.ecmid.com/
Inspection apphttps://inspect.ecmid.com/
Vessel inspector information and directoryhttps://www.ecmidvesselinspectors.com/
System-generated emails[email protected]
IMCA eCMID Helpdesk[email protected]

For more details on the above changes, please contact the eCMID Helpdesk.