Throughout the eCMID Inspection App, the following image controls are available:

In order, these are: + Add/replace image; – Remove image; View image. The last two buttons will be disabled if no image has been uploaded.
JPEG and PNG files can be uploaded. The built-in camera is also available for direct insertion on many devices. No other file types can currently be uploaded by inspectors, although vessel operators can add any supporting PDF files using the ‘Other Documents‘ functions on the database website.
For users of the latest iPhones and iPads, the ‘Live Photos’ feature means that your device records what happens 1.5 seconds before and after you take a picture. These ‘live photos’ cannot be uploaded in the inspection app, only static images, so please turn off the live image feature while using the eCMID app.
Report customisation and branding
An inspection company logo and cover image (often a photograph of the vessel) can be uploaded via the ‘Overview‘ screen.
Question evidence
Where applicable, a single image can be uploaded to illustrate the response to a particular question.
IMCA M 167 – Guidance on the IMCA eCMID System – provides the following advice on use of images:
Inspectors are strongly encouraged to use photographs to illustrate their findings where appropriate. However, as the number of images increases, so will the final report file size (and upload time from the inspection app). Clients will generally prefer a concise report, so` inspectors should consider both aspects when adding images to their report.
The comments field shall be used to describe the photograph, i.e., where it was taken, what it shows and how this supports the selected answer.
Data protection and privacy regulations must be considered, with care taken to omit or obscure any personal identifiable information.
Closing meeting
A scan of a closing meeting report can be uploaded via the ‘Inspection details’ screen, with a report template available for downloading within the app. Alternatively, the closing meeting report can be typed directly into the app, which may be more suitable for longer reports and optimises legibility.
Additional Images appendix
Individual questions may allow uploading of a single image. Where additional illustration is needed, or for more general photographs not specific to a particular question or section, an ‘Additional Images’ appendix can be enabled from the supplement selection screen. This offers additional image slots, which can be captioned and ordered as appropriate. The number of images is limited, to keep the final report to a manageable length for operators and clients.
Image editing
The eCMID Inspection App does not include an image editor, to keep the app lightweight. You will need to make any edits, such as cropping, rotating or combining multiple images, in an external image editor prior to upload. All modern devices feature at least basic editing tools, often in a ‘Photos’ or ‘Gallery’ app, with interfaces appropriate to their form factor (smartphone/tablet/desktop).