System updates – December 2021

Published 21 December 2021

As part of the continuing improvement plan for the eCMID system, minor updates have been introduced to both the database site and inspection app over recent months.

Feedback from users of the system is always welcome, as it helps to shape the development roadmap and ensure a system that continues to meet industry needs – please contact us with your suggestions.

eCMID Database Website

Vessel Contacts Overview

Vessel operators can now access a full list of their vessels with assigned contacts via My Organisation > All Vessels Contacts.

Registration Updates

For new users, updates have been made to the registration screens to enable additional supporting information to be provided which will assist in prompt processing of registration requests.

eCMID Inspection App

Save and Backup Options

Toolbar options for saving reports to the eCMID cloud and to a local file have been updated. These are now labelled ‘backup’, to clarify that while a snapshot is saved to the cloud/file, any subsequent updates to the inspection report are saved only within the browser/app, so the backup may need to be used again if transferring between devices or saving a final backup.

Closing Meeting Report

A text editor has been added to the inspection app, allowing a closing meeting report to be included directly via the app rather than requiring a separate scanned or exported image to be used. This function may be useful for those completing the report onboard with a portable device.

Use of Images

Improvements have been made to image processing functions within the inspection app, which have significantly improved quality and legibility in the PDF inspection report. Where a large number of images was inserted to a report, this on occasion resulted in very large report files, so further tweaks have been made to improve the balance between image quality and file size, which will be kept under review.

Additional guidance on the use of images will be added to IMCA M 167 – Guidance on the IMCA eCMID System – when next updated.